golden opportunity 絕好的機會,良機。
絕好的機會,良機。 “golden“ 中文翻譯: n. 戈爾登〔姓氏〕。 “opportunity“ 中文翻譯: n. 機會,好機會;〔罕用語〕湊巧,方便。 a good ...“a golden opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 絕好的機會、良機; 千載難逢的好機會“a rare golden opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 大好機會“opportunity“ 中文翻譯: n. 機會,好機會;〔罕用語〕湊巧,方便。 a good [favourable] opportunity 好機會,良機。 afford [find, get, give, make, miss, seize, take] an [the] opportunity 給[找著,得著,給,造,失去,抓住,利用]機會 (I take every opportunity of speaking English. 我利用一切機會講英語)。 at the earliest [at the first, on the first] opportunity 一有機會。 equality of opportunity 機會均等。 have an [no, little] opportunity for doing [to do] sth. 有[沒有]做某事的機會。 make the most of an opportunity 盡力利用機會。 “golden“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.金色的,金黃色的。 2.金的,金制的。 3.產金的。 4.(機會)寶貴的,貴重的;絕好的;(時代等)隆盛的。 5.第五十周年的。 n. 戈爾登〔姓氏〕。 “golden is“ 中文翻譯: 戈爾登群島“a fleeting opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 稍縱即逝的機會“a majestic opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 一次絕好的機會“a rare opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 罕有的機會“account opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 銷售機會“an opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 機會“arbitrage opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 套價機會; 套利機會“at the earliest opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 一有機會“at the first opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 一有機會“attacks of opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 借機攻擊“buying opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 買方有利時機“chance and opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 機會與時機“competitive opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 競爭機會“corporate opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 公司機會“development opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 發展機會; 發展機遇; 發展契機“digital opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 數字機會“economic opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 經濟機會法案“economical opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 經濟機會“employment opportunity“ 中文翻譯: 就業機會
“ the expo also gives us a golden opportunity to highlight our contribution to dealing with global challenges such as sustainable development and climate change “世博會同時為我們提供了絕好的機會用以突出我們面對類似可持續發展和氣候變化等全球性挑戰所作出的貢獻。 |
golden parachute |
The xbox games incubation programme is a golden opportunity for local people to expose themselves to the video console gaming - an emerging and significant business among others of digital entertainment in the world Xbox游戲育才計劃為本地專才提供一大機遇,開拓他們的視野,增進他們對開發視像游戲的認識。數碼游戲近年來發展蓬勃,乃數碼娛樂世界里重要一環。 |
However , he added that this is a golden opportunity for the government to restore the confidence of the middle - class by postponing some tax measures so that the public could have some breathing space . ( hong kong economic times , 4 april 2003 ) 但他補充,現時是政府挽回中產階層信心的時候,加稅方面可考慮放寬,讓市民回氣。 ( 2003年4月4日香港經濟日報) |
Because of master , we are given many chances to grow in courage , strength and love . may we always recognize and seize these golden opportunities with arms wide open and hearts brimming with love ! panorama of 因為有師父,我們才有如此多的機會能長養我們的勇氣力量與愛心,愿我們都能隨時展開雙臂,以滿滿的愛心及雪亮的眼睛,來把握這些黃金般的機會! |
To seize the golden opportunity , china has decided to further develop tourist industry as a leading industry . so as to make the industry listed the 15 place , compared with the previous 40 place 抓住這一時機,我國已將旅游業確定為第三產業發展的帶頭產業,予以大力發展,使我國旅游業迅速從改革前的40多位上升為目前的世界第15位。 |
When former indonesian president abdurrahman wahid adopted a so - called pro - ethnic chinese policy , many observers considered it to be a golden opportunity for a renaissance of chinese culture in indonesia 蘇哈多對印尼華人采取同化政策。他以“土著”為“國族”的模式,視華族文化為外族文化,不能成為所謂“印尼文化”的組成部份。 |
Initiates had a field day setting up and decorating the booth that had been secured at the vihara temple at brickfields , the hub of activities , and took this golden opportunity to spread master s teachings 今年,慶祝活動在吉隆坡市中心布里克費德的佛寺舉行,同修們把握良機叁與了這個盛會,擺設了一個攤位來傳播師父的教理。 |
He heard there are some free treatments for the country people in guizhou . but miss the golden opportunity for didnt known the exact time and place . his diseases worsen lately 他也曾聽說有專家或醫療隊到貴州的一些縣市或鄉村義務治療白內瘴患者,可幾次都因為打聽不到確切的地點時間等等而錯失良機。 |
You can learn more about the two schemes . besides , the application for joint recruitment of yptp and ywets still opens . act now , don t miss the golden opportunity 青見計劃是一個靚計劃,機場大使計劃就將這個靚計劃,發揮得淋漓盡致… …這是經濟發展及勞工局常任秘書長(勞工)張建宗先生,于 |
In addition , visitors also got this golden opportunity to appreciate the frescoes of the tang dynasty and a large number of unearthed terracotta oxen , pigs and dogs from the tomb of the xi han emperor 訪客除可親身目睹兵馬俑的風采外,更能觀賞百戲俑、動物俑及唐代的壁畫。 |
Thus , as in past years , montreal center initiates had a golden opportunity to introduce masters teachings to local residents by conducting a booth at the event 雖然時值酷寒的嚴冬,然而當天卻出現絕佳的天氣,使得民眾叁與的情形異常踴躍,總計有一萬多人叁與這場慶祝活動。 |
It is a shame our government has sacrificed that golden opportunity for some short - term benefits , thus putting on hold a task that is of great long - term importance 可惜政府又一次坐失良機,因貪一時的短期效果,致令這些真正需要做的長期工作,現時才遲遲開始啟動。 |
“ the expo also gives us a golden opportunity to highlight our contribution to dealing with global challenges such as sustainable development and climate change “世博會同時為我們提供了絕好的機會用以突出我們面對類似可持續發展和氣候變化等全球性挑戰所作出的貢獻。 |
Thomas fischer , who heads westlb , has issues closer to home ? but he will be regretting the loss of a golden opportunity to get bigger 西德意志銀行負責人托馬斯?費斯奇正為手頭的事焦頭爛額? ?但同時他也將為失去(這次能夠)壯大西德意志銀行的黃金時機而抱憾。 |
Vexing as they may be , these extra layers of debt may provide golden opportunities for bottom - fishers once credit markets tighten and refinancing becomes harder 無論這種再抵押貸款有多么討厭,在信貸緊縮和融資困難時期,它為最底層的商人提供極好的機遇。 |
Anniversary has been keenly anticipated , presenting a golden opportunity to review our past challenges and successes , while looking forward to a bright and prosperous future 在萬眾期待下,這也是回顧過去的挑戰與成就,和展望未來的光輝與繁榮的好機會。 |
Or probably we have to wait a while , many lives , to see another master again , because we have refused the golden opportunity when it is easily available 或是還得再多等一會兒,許多世以后,才能再遇見另一位明師,因為我們拒絕了這垂手可得的珍貴機會, |
The civil service outstanding service award scheme 2007 the scheme offers a golden opportunity to give timely recognition and appreciation to colleagues hard work 二零零七年公務員優質服務獎勵計劃對同事的努力加以肯定,并予以表揚。 |
Professor chen believed the 3 - 3 - 4 academic reform will be a golden opportunity for lingnan to accomplish further the universitys liberal arts mission 陳校長認為3 - 3 - 4的學制改革正好給予嶺大一個更能發展博雅教育模式的大好黃金機會。 |